Industrial - Bachelors

Potable, Suitable Film Developing Solution

Based on the inconvenience of conventional film processing for consumers and its lack of user-friendliness, the newly developed Integrated Lab provides an excellent solution. It addresses issues such as loading film in a darkroom, the need for numerous accessories, limited processing space, and the potential health and environmental hazards associated with film-developing chemicals. Integrated-Lab integrates the film-developing tank, thermometer, and timer into a single device, allowing all film processing operations to be conducted in a well-lit, visible environment. This provides users with significant convenience and flexibility, effectively solving long-standing issues in the film processing industry.

Research to outcome


Film development is still a hot topic that is controversial, some people think there is no digital camera could produce a picture that could surpass the quality and vibe of the film image, while others say film development has too many considerations, such as being time-consuming, risk of developing failure, environmental pollution, recycle cost, space needed and it is a tricky technique which is hard to get into it. Apparently, they are all true. The film could capture the truest environment due to it being imaged by light and chemical reactions, there is no data-crunching factor in it. However, the film-developing chemicals are highly carcinogenic and allergic, they also need special equipment and other chemicals to recycle. Furthermore, the equipment used in film processing today remains largely unchanged from decades ago. The overall quality, efficiency, and success rate of film processing have not improved significantly despite advancements in technology. However, due to the changing times, what was once a popular and accessible hobby in the form of film photography, primarily supported by affordable in-store processing, has now become a niche pursuit with the advent of digital cameras. As a result, commercial film processing has become more expensive, leading many film photographers to opt for DIY film development using consumer-grade equipment. This shift places a strong emphasis on technical proficiency. Many newcomers struggle to load film accurately onto reels in dark bags, leading to damaged images and processing failures. Given the relatively high cost of film today, this can discourage beginners and, to some extent, hinder the normal functioning of the film photography market. These are the issues that our research and the development of Integrated-Lab aim to address.

I will use film for the rest of my life, without any digital cameras, to capture the flowing emotions and atmosphere in the air. When I look back at that photo years later, it feels as if the scent in the air at that moment is right in front of me.



The research extensively investigated the shortcomings and deficiencies of current film processing equipment, potential health risks associated with film processing, the impact of chemicals used in film processing on human health, and their broader ecological implications. The study drew upon safety guidelines for film processing labs, compared vintage film equipment with contemporary counterparts, and examined the relationship between film processing chemicals and the local ecological environment to support the aforementioned points. The research also employed interviews and surveys to gather opinions and validate the necessity of the study. Based on the survey results, it becomes clear that improvements in film processing equipment could rapidly address the root problems. This reinforces the importance of subsequent equipment development efforts.


1. Most interviewers are willing to develop their own film if the whole process could be done in a bright room and visible.
2. Most of the interviewers think the current film-developing equipment have safety hazard and low access for beginners.
3. The most difficult stage that could stop them from self-film development is the film has to be loaded in a completely dark environment, it has a high risk of failure.
4. The new developing tools are acceptable but they should provide accessibility and reliability at the same time.
5. The equipment outdated is the key issue in this topic, most problems would be solved if there were more modern equipment available.



Integrated-Lab is a portable, light-safe film processing device that combines a timer, thermometer, and developing tank into one unit. This modular design allows users to complete film processing in any environment, needing only to carry the processing chemicals. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced photographer, Integrated Lab can efficiently provide you with perfect images without stress, as all processing steps are visible, eliminating the need to work in darkness.

The modular design significantly extends the product’s lifespan and sustainability. Any damaged component can be quickly and easily replaced without having to replace the entire product. The real-time thermometer design enables users to monitor the current temperature of the processing chemicals for adjustment and setting of processing parameters. The top-mounted timer design makes it easier for users to keep track of processing time, reducing the risk of overdevelopment or underdevelopment.

As for material, it is built with high-quality ABS plastic which has an anti-corrosion feature, it is suitable for the tank body due to it will get in touch with chemical directly.

Furthermore, the aesthetic design of the product draws inspiration from Eastern Tai Chi culture, featuring black and white, capturing the essence of traditional film photography and the language of light and shadow. The video below will show how it functions.

Function details


A foldable thermometer allows the user to hide it while traveling to avoid damage.


The replaceable anti-leak rubber seal could prevent the tank body from a chemical leak when the rubber gets old.


The top control unit allows the user to see all the necessary data during the whole process.


There are 2 option loading knobs, user could choose as their preferred.
Modular design, easy to replace when parts get damaged or lost, or even custom your own one in the future.


Modular design, easy to replace when parts get damaged or lost, or even custom your own one in the future.

Gallery and usage

Thanks for viewing the product from IZUMO LAB(出雲實驗室)

Address: shop x/x, Red hill, 4059

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Xinshuo Zhuo

Hello, my name is Xinshuo Zhuo, and I am a recent graduate in industrial design from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Unfortunately, I cannot entirely agree that design is merely a service. In my view, as a designer, one should understand what constitutes a great work that will stand the test of time and what are merely serviceable products that will quickly become obsolete. In an era where mechanical craftsmanship products from the past can endure for centuries and modern industrial products frequently suffer from malfunctions or rapid obsolescence, I believe it's our responsibility as designers to find a way to ensure that our work while maintaining quality, practicality, and aesthetics, can be passed down through generations. I think that what designers should do goes beyond simply responding to client needs and providing services; it's about telling the world what they truly need.