Industrial - Bachelors

ReStore Flex

The Restore Flex allows the user to progressively strengthen the muscles surrounding injured knee ligaments, during the rehabilitation process, to ensure a speedy return to physical activity and sport.


Approximately 40% of sporting injuries involve damage to the knee, predominantly tears of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). These injuries are linked recreational sport in 65.1% of cases, demonstrating the strong correlation between ACL injuries and leisure sports. I researched this problem, conducting an in-depth face to face interview with a neuromuscular expert and also a survey with people who have had serious knee injuries. These activities revealed possible design problems in diagnosis, rehabilitation and strengthening strategies in knee ligaments.

The problem

Knee ligament injuries can side-line people for a long period of time. As a result, muscles surrounding the knee lose both mass and strength. Many people suffering from ACL or other ligament injuries and going through rehabilitation crave a fast return to sport or, at the very least, normal levels of day-to-day physical activity. In the existing rehabilitation system, rebuilding strength and muscle in the quadriceps and calves is only initiated after a long period of rest. But is there were a way to start this restorative process while the knee ligament is still in the rehabilitation phase?

Introducing the restore flex


A flat black compressive layer.

Compression Sleeve

The base-layer compression sleeve secures the wearable to the user, and the resistance band to the desired length, and increases blood flow to the muscle. This last feature is particularly valuable, as during the recovery and rehabilitation process the muscles will have been inactive and had little blood circulation.
An elastic band with a foothold at the bottom to allow the user to choose the strength of resistance they would like.

Resistance Band

Marked resistance levels on the band convey the user’s calf and quadricep strength and allow for immediate visible progression. Visible lines on the band indicate the four levels of resistance. However, as this is for rehabilitation, there is only enough resistance to allow the user to reorient themselves with their biomechanics.
A app on a phone with blue and green styling that allows the user to optimise their use of the rehabilitation wearable.


Working in tandem with the Restore Flex wearable, the Restore Flex application allows the user and their physiotherapist to monitor the rehabilitation process. Both can access the Restore plan, Data Summary and to track workouts compared to set goals. The Restore plan offers various customisation options including goal setting, the number of rehabilitation sessions to be completed per month, exercise selection for each session, and the levels of resistance achieved during workouts. This information, summarised in the ‘data’ section of the application, will assist the physiotherapist in their future recommendations and practices not only for the current patient but also for future ACL rehabilitation patients.
Digital Design Record
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Diagnosis, Rehabilitation and Strengthening in Knee Ligaments Report
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Matthew Bowles

Matthew Bowles is graduating from Industrial Design at the Queensland University of Technology. He would like to have a positive affect on a large audience in the sporting industry, clothing, furniture, design and marketing.