Industrial - Bachelors
VDTect project is a groundbreaking initiative in the field of cycling safety and technology. VDTect is an advanced assistive technology device designed to enhance the safety and awareness of cyclists during their rides. This innovative device features a combination of radar, camera, and speaker systems, which work seamlessly to detect potential hazards, provide real-time visual data, and offer immediate alerts and guidance to cyclists.
Utilizing both an online survey and two interviews, our research methodology aimed to delve deeply into the root causes of cycling safety concerns. We sought to unravel the primary issues encountered by cyclists during their journeys. As a result, based on participant responses, it became evident that the most prevalent challenges revolved around difficulties in hearing approaching vehicles, facing confrontations with aggressive and impatient drivers, and dealing with pedestrians who frequently seemed unaware of cyclists or motorists when crossing roads.
Throughout the research, a distinct pattern emerges: the majority of participants encounter a range of challenges that greatly increase the risk of incidents.These challenges include the difficulty of sensing approaching vehicles from behind, interactions with aggressive or impatient drivers,Given these pressing concerns, we see a unique opportunity to lead the way in creating innovative design solutions that enhance cyclists’ awareness of vehicles approaching from behind, ultimately shaping the future of urban cycling safety.
Empowering cyclists with a vigilant eye, VDTect paves the way for safer journeys, where awareness meets innovation, ensuring every ride prioritizes proactive safety.
Pipop is an industrial design student with a passion for sketching and design skills. He is eager to develop and acquire new skills, capable of working under time constraints, and enjoys collaborating with others to enhance his professional abilities and future career prospects.